The Best Gift You
Can Give Yourself In Your Golden Years

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an image of the insurance agent, luis daza


Why? Because Medicare doesn't cover 100% of all procedures or the total cost.
You might want to review your Medicare plan before it is too late. Let's Talk Medicare With Daza!!

Did you assume Medicare covers ALL your medical expenses?
You might want to review your Medicare plan with us while its early!

an image that implies that most are surprised to find out that they have to pay before medicare helps pay for the rest

What your previous agent didn't tell you

Medicare Doesn't Cover Everything

When you go to the doctor or hospital, you might have to pay out of your pocket before Medicare helps pay for the rest. This is called a deductible.

Also, even after Medicare helps pay for your medical care, there might still be some money left that you have to pay. This is called the "20%".

⚠️ Remember

Medicare Doesn't Have a Limit

Medicare doesn't have a limit on how much money you can spend in a single year for your medical and hospital expenses. In other words, the sky is the limit.

an image showing that medicare spending is unlimited
an image that shows you pay 20% medicare deductible

You're Responsible for the 20%

Once you've paid your deductible, Medicare covers 80% of your medical and hospital expenses. You're responsible for covering the remaining 20%.

an image that shows deductibles increase from year to year

These Deductibles Can Increase

Medicare has deductibles for both Part A (which covers hospital stays) and Part B (which covers doctor visits and other outpatient services). These deductibles can increase from year to year, so it's important to keep track of them.

unlimited payment

There Is No Maximum Limit

Medicare does not have a Maximum Out-of-Pocket (MOOP) limit, which means that there is no cap on the medical or hospital expenses in a given year.

choosing among medicare options

Consider Additional Options

Pay attention to the costs associated with Medicare coverage and to consider additional insurance options (such as Medicare Advantage plans or Medigap policies) to help cover some of the costs that original Medicare doesn't fully cover.


You're Responsible for the 20%

Once you've paid your deductible, Medicare covers 80% of your medical and hospital expenses. You're responsible for covering the remaining 20%.


These Deductibles Can Increase

Medicare has deductibles for both Part A (which covers hospital stays) and Part B (which covers doctor visits and other outpatient services). These deductibles can increase from year to year, so it's important to keep track of them.


There Is No Maximum Limit

Medicare does not have a Maximum Out-of-Pocket (MOOP) limit, which means that there is no cap on the medical or hospital expenses in a given year.


Consider Additional Options

Pay attention to the costs associated with Medicare coverage and to consider additional insurance options (such as Medicare Advantage plans or Medigap policies) to help cover some of the costs that original Medicare doesn't fully cover.

light bulb tip


It's a good idea to talk to an insurance agent who really knows about Medicare to make sure you're getting the right kind of help with your healthcare costs. Someone with at least 15 years of experience, knows the ins and outs of insurance like the back of his hand and has a genuine desire to help his clients get the best solution suitable to their needs.


It's a good idea to talk to an insurance agent who really knows about Medicare to make sure you're getting the right kind of help with your healthcare costs.

Someone with at least 15 years of experience, knows the ins and outs of insurance like the back of his hand and has a genuine desire to help his clients get the best solution suitable to their needs.

photo of the insurance agent

Hi! I'm

Luis Daza

I am an Insurance agent who has had the privilege of serving, and the honor of gaining the trust and loyalty of our local senior community since 2008 - over 15 Years.

I am an Insurance agent who has had the privilege of serving, and the honor of gaining the trust and loyalty of our local senior community since 2008 - that's over 15 Years!

Solutions We Offer

photo of a prescription


A Supplement insurance plan or MEDIGAP is an option to cover deductibles, copays, and co-insurance that Medicare doesn't cover.

An additional premium is required

Covers gaps in Medicare Part A and Part B coverage.

Medications however are not covered by this plan.

A prescription drug plan (PDP) is necessary for an additional premium. The higher the premium paid upfront each month, the less out-of-pocket expenses when using services or products.


Our independent agency allows you to compare rates and coverage from multiple highly-rated providers based on your needs and wants.

We make it easy to compare all Medicare Insurance companies side by side.

Review the rate increase history of each company

Inform you of any household, spousal, or premium discounts that might be available.

We help cover the gaps left by Original Medicare plans.

photo of consulting and comparing medicare plans with an insurance agent


What To Expect

Our Process
image of step 1, educate.

1. Educate

We make sure you are well-informed and updated with medicare

image of step 2, analyze

2. Needs Analysis

Lets analyze your needs, your wants, your preferences.

image of step 3, planning

3. Plan Selection

We help you pick few but the best options for you.

image of step 4, implementation

4. Implementation

We make the transition easy and simple for you

image of step 5, monitoring

5. Monitoring

Once implemented We’ll make sure you are fine.

image of step 6, maintaining relationships

6. Relationship

We stay in touch with you to make sure you are doing the best.

Happy Clients

photo of luis daza with 5 senior clients

"Luis, he's been like a son to me. He helps our local community, not just with his time and friendship but also as an excellent source of resources to the Medicare community in Tampa Bay."

~ Rosa Quiroz

photo of luis daza at an event talking to a lady at the booth

"Luis Daza me ayudo a escoger la mejor opcion para nuestra cobertura de Medicare, no solo para mi, tambien para mi esposo y mi mama. Luis se ha enfocado en ayudar a la comunidad de Tampa durante muchos años."

~ Jeaninne Perez

a photo of luis daza with a client

"I'm Glad I spoke with Daza, before I turned 65. Daza helped me to navigate the maze of Medicare"

~ Jason Silverman

"I'm Glad I spoke with Daza, before I turned 65. Daza helped me to navigate the maze of Medicare"

~ Jason Silverman

How Can I Help You?

professional photo of luis daza

Our experts are ready to help you navigate through the complexities of Medicare and guide you in selecting the most suitable plan to meet your personalized healthcare needs.

If you have any questions, need help with your current Medicare plan, or if you want to know more about any of the solutions you might need, kindly select a date and time you would like to talk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


We do not offer every plan in your area. Currently, my office represents eight companies, which offer approximately 58 different plans in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Plan to get information on all your options. Outside of the Medicare annual enrollment period, members can enroll in a plan only if they meet certain criteria. DazaInsurance is not connected with or endorsed by any government agency or the Federal Medicare program. The respondent will be contacted by a licensed insurance agent with DazaInsurance.

Contact Details

Luis Fernando Daza

(813) 710 6465

© 2021 Daza Insurance, LLC

7248 N. Dalemabry Hwy

Established in 2006 - NPN 9393960